Newsletter: Advent of Code and Education Summary

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Hi username,
Welcome back to this edition of the newsletter! In this edition:
  • Advent of Code 2020
  • Current In-demand technologies
  • Markdown for Annotations!
  • Teams for Education Updates
  • Goodbye and thanks
Oh, and if you're curious, the language used in this newsletter is... Erlang
>-define(advent_of_code, 26)
Advent of Code
No matter how you celebrate this holiday season, there's one event we can all celebrate. The Advent of Code! Participate in this global competition where each day, a new computer science puzzle is released, and developers compete to complete! You can read more about it and join our private leaderboard on this Repl Talk post. Or if you're ready, checkout our Advent of Code templates.
>maps:get(helpful, technologies)
Work smarter, not harder. Or at least that's what my yoga teacher said after I dislocated my arm. But you know what that phrase also applies to? Programming! By using the latest technology, the latest tricks of the trade, you can get more done, for less work. Luckily Christina Kopecky created a list of programs that help you do exactly that. For more information, checkout her fantastic post here.
>spawn(annotation, format, []),
Annotation syntax
**** _now_ *supports* ~~Annotations~~! Style >your text with these special `symbols` when you go to add #comments.txt to your code. This makes coding conversations easier to comprehend and write, for educators and students alike. No more are you restricted by plain text, and trying to share code in a large blob of text. Give it a try now, or read more about annotations here.
>edu = [update(teams) || update <- repl],
Education Updates
Thank you teachers and educators for all your fantastic feedback! Over the course of many months we've listened and made many adjustments to Teams for Education. We added in-repl grading, annotations, bulk invites, perma-links, and we're not done yet. We look forward to the new year and will proudly continue to listen to our amazing community. In case you missed one of our new additions to Teams for Education, checkout our blog post.
>giveThanks() ->
Thank you, goodbye!
Thank you for reading the Newsletter. For all our American Replers we hope you had a great Thanksgiving. We're thankful for you, for supporting our website and sharing your code with the community. Without you, we could never have achieved the success we got. Another thank you to everyone who participated in our 10th Code Jam, we'll be sure to get the winners out soon! Thank you, and goodbye!
>% Thank you, and goodbye!
As always, please feel free to give us feedback on our feedback boards!

Nathan & the rest of the Team
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