
Showing posts from October 3, 2020

Invoice Payment Confirmation

Dear wahyu arif santoso, This is a payment receipt for Invoice 78602 sent on 03/10/2020 Domain Registration - - 1 Year/s (03/10/2020 - 02/10/2021) $0.00 USD Domain Registration - - 1 Year/s (03/10/2020 - 02/10/2021) $0.00 USD ----------...

Order Confirmation

Dear wahyu arif santoso, We have received your order and will be processing it shortly. The details of the order are below: Order Number: 6294134299 Product/Service: Web Hosting - Free Cloud Hosting Domain: Nameserver 1: corporate.vip31.noc4...

Customer Invoice

Dear wahyu arif santoso, This is a notice that an invoice has been generated on 03/10/2020. Your payment method is: 2CheckOut Invoice #78602 Amount Due: $0.00 USD Due Date: 03/10/2020 Invoice Items Domain Registration - - 1 Year/s (03/...

Confirm Your Registration

Dear wahyu arif santoso, Thank you for creating a FreeDomaini - Get a Free Domain Name | Free Cloud 25GB Hosting No Ads account. Please visit the link below and sign into your account to verify your email address and complete your registration. https://freedomaini.c...

New Free RDP Remote Windows Information

Dear Arifin Ilham, Your order for Basic Remote Desktop Windows (USA) has now been activated. Please keep this message for your records. Product/Service: Basic Remote Desktop Windows (USA) Payment Method: PayPal Amount: $0.00 USD Billing Cycle: Free Account Next Du...

Order Confirmation

Dear Arifin Ilham, We have received your order and will be processing it shortly. The details of the order are below: Order Number: 6291319196 Product/Service: Remote Desktop Windows - Basic Remote Desktop Windows (USA) CPU Cores: 4 Disk Space: 100 GB RA...


Dear Arifin, Thank you for creating a FreeRDPServer - Free Remote Desktop Windows Lifetime account. Please review this email in its entirety as it contains important information. Logging In You can access our client area at You will ne...