Newsletter: DB is out! 📙and NOTICE to TEACHERS👩‍🏫

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>00 welcome = "Start Newsletter"
>01 PRINT welcome
Hi username,
Welcome back to this edition of the newsletter! In this edition:
  • DB is out!
  • TEACHERS: Important classroom changes
  • Web-dev interview tips!
  • Patap clone on
  • Goodbye and Congratulations
Oh, and if you're curious, the language used in this newsletter is Basic...
>10 ARRAY ReplitDB
Language jam
Finally, after months of work and testing, DB is ready to be a part of every single repl. Any programming language, any size, accessible via a simple key-value API. You can check out our example repl displaying the database's capabilities, or read about how you can start using it, right now. If we don't have a library for your language of choice yet, don't worry. You can make one! You can find our straightforward and easy to use API here and examples of other libraries.
> 20 REM "New Product for Teachers"
Spinning colors
At our mission is to make coding easier and more accessible by building simple, yet powerful tools. For years we've been improving and polishing the core platform, while maintaining access to our legacy Classroom product, which we haven't been actively improving since 2017. However Classroom has recently grown beyond capacity, and we want you to have the best experience with So we're transitioning teachers and students to Teams for Education, bringing powerful new tools to educators, like Multiplayer, Annotations, privacy compliance, etc. Read here for more details.
>30 FOR question = 1 TO 7
We have for you today not one, not two, but seven HTML interview questions you'll be asked when you apply for your web developer job. Luckily, Christina Kopecky was generous enough to also include an answer to these questions, so you'll be prepared! For example, when would you use a span tag? What are inline vs block elements? If you don't know the answer, and want to hone your HTML skills, be sure to give Kopecky's article a read.
>40 SOUND 5508, 4
Repl Teams
For those who aren't familiar, Patatap is a game that creates angelic music with just a few key presses. While this wasn't built on (although could have easily been) @JDOG787's Patatap clone takes the same concept, but applies their own unique music and animations. Figuring out how to make works of art using only a few keys is not only very fun, it's also very addicting. I typed this paragraph into JDOG787's program, and what came out was 🔥. You can create your own priceless melodies here.
>REM Goodbye!!!
See you soon!
Thank you for reading this edition of the Newsletter! We hope you enjoyed it and maybe even learned something useful. Congratulations to @MorganBusch2. and @selfmadespirit for solving out last Newsletter's puzzle! It was a tricky one for sure, so well done! If you haven't had a go at the puzzle yet, you can find it here. Otherwise, stay safe everyone, we hope to see you soon!
As always, please feel free to give us feedback on our feedback boards!

Nathan & the rest of the Team
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